Parents' Association 2022
Screen N.S. has an active Parents’ Association with the following aims:-
To represent the views of parents.
To inform parents of developments in education and in the school.
To foster co-operation between parents, teachers and school management.
To help with the provision of extra equipment and teaching aids for the school.
Please contact the school for details about the current Parents’ Association Committee.
Information on the Parents’ Association
The P.A entertains the parents of new infants during their open day and on the day of their enrolment in September, with tea/coffee and light refreshments. It also organises the family receptions in the school hall after both the First Communion and Confirmation ceremonies.
The P.A is always open to all educational, social and fund raising ideas and parents are invited to submit such ideas for discussion as the P.A must adhere to a programme of events as agreed between themselves, the school and the Board of Management. This rule avoids any overlapping between the parties and the Parents’ Association must strictly enforce it.
All communication with the Parents Council can be processed through the Secretary, c/o Screen N.S. or directly via their email
The P.A will be issuing newsletters throughout the year keeping parents up to date regarding educational, social and fund-raising developments. They will produce their formal programme of events for the year in September. The P.A will present their annual financial report at their A.G.M. which is held in the autumn.
The Parents’ Association welcomes all new ideas and members! Don’t be afraid to get involved!