November in the Cherry Room

We had a busy month – all about Transport! We enjoyed reading/singing Car Car Truck Jeep and lots of other stories about vehicles.

We focused on the Lámh song The Wheels on The Bus. We enjoyed some messy play, painting with our toy vehicles and then giving them a car wash.

We especially enjoyed our special visits to Aerial Fitness and Leisuremax with The Oak Room.

November in Oak Room

November in the Oak Room has been filled with loads of new learning and fun. This month some of us have started our Jolly Phonics in Junior Infants. During science week, we part-took in some cool science experiments as well as using the Beebots in our classroom. It was very exciting to see how they can move around the room by pressing different buttons.
We were also very lucky this month as we went on a few outings with the Cherry Room. We went to Aerial fitness which was amazing and we had so much fun swinging in the hammocks and learning some cool tricks. We also went to Leisure Max where we got to run, jump and skip to our hearts content. We also celebrated Amanda’s birthday while we were there.
We cannot wait to see what December is going to bring for us!

The Oak Room Blog Post – October ‘24

October has been a great month in the Oak Room. We have done loads of Halloween related activities to get us all in the spooky spirit. 

In art we created some bubble paint witches’ cauldrons and x-ray skeleton hands. 

For sensory play we made some potions and also explored the reaction between vinegar and baking soda. We discovered that it makes a fizzy sound. 

We dressed up in Halloween costumes in Mairéad’s class and we made some playdough with our peers in Junior Infants. 

November will be a busy month for us and we are excited to start some of our social trips during this month. 

The Oak Room and Cherry Room – September ‘24

We have had a fantastic start to the school year. Each one of us have settled in well and we are happy to be back to the routine of school. 

We have done some fun activities each week since we have come back to school. We do sensory play every day which consists of a variety of sensory experiences. For example, we have played with kinetic sand, ooblek, water, chia seeds, spaghetti, shaving foam and many more. 

We were very lucky this month because we got some new OT equipment. We have a new trampoline, new scooters, bikes, trikes and a few other bits that we love to use. 

Last week we took part in some cooking. We made mini pizzas. We cut up some peppers and onions and assembled our pizzas using whatever ingredients we chose. We then waited patiently for them to cook. They were delicious!! 

We have also made use of the Autumn leaves outside. We collected up a variety of leaves and use them to make some lovely Autumn art. 

We look forward to seeing what October brings for us.