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Our Mission Statement

Screen National School is a co-educational, Catholic, primary school which strives to provide a well-ordered, caring, happy and secure atmosphere where the intellectual, spiritual, physical, moral and cultural needs of the pupils are identified and addressed.

While Screen N.S. is a school with a Catholic ethos, it also has due recognition for all other religions.

Our school will strive to promote, both individually and collectively, the professional and personal development of teachers through staff development programmes.

Our school will encourage the involvement of parents through home/school contacts and through their involvement in the Parents’ Association.

Our school will endeavour to enhance the self-esteem of everyone in the school community, to imbue in the pupils respect for people and property and to encourage in them the idea of being responsible.

Screen N.S. will promote gender equity amongst the teachers and pupils.

Déanfaimid iarracht Gaeilge a labhairt.

The school motto is:

“Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh sí”


1. To provide a secure and happy atmosphere in which children can
learn effectively.

2. To encourage children to become responsible and independent.

3. To foster an attitude of care towards people and things around us.

4. To ensure that children reach the highest possible level in literacy
and numeracy, appropriate to their individual ability.

5. To help children to express themselves creatively through
language, movement, art and music.

6. To provide children with a wide range of physical activities at
both group and individual level.

7. To help children, through religious and moral, historical, geographical and scientific studies, to explore the world in which they are growing up and to understand their own particular place within it.

8. To integrate all children fully, whatever their needs and backgrounds.
Creating a Positive Learning Environment

In Screen N.S. we strive to facilitate learning by providing a comfortable, safe and secure working environment for staff and students. We do this by taking a positive approach to discipline, using praise and encouragement, and by affirming positive attitudes to work and behaviour. Unacceptable behaviour is dealt with according to our code of discipline and behaviour as outlined below.
Code of Behaviour

General Rules

1. School starts at 9.20 a.m. All pupils should be in class by then to avoid disruption. Lateness for school and absences require a note from parents. The school will be open to receive pupils at 9.10 a.m. each morning and not before that. Supervision starts at 9.10a.m. Entrance doors are locked at 9.25 a.m. for security reasons and during school hours entry is through the main door next to the Secretary’s office where a buzzer system operates.

(a) On dry days children line up with their class in the designated area.

(b) On wet days children go to hall and line up. They will be supervised there until their teacher collects them at 9.20am.

School ends at 2p.m. for Infant and Senior Infant Classes and at 3p.m. for all other children. It is important that children be collected promptly at these times. Collecting children earlier,
except in the case of medical or other necessary appointments, should be avoided as it causes disruption to classes. Persistent late collection of children causes upset for the child and inconvenience for teachers.

2. It is a strict rule that all children walk into and out of school in an appropriate manner, respecting teachers, fellow pupils and all adults, and addressing them properly as Mr., Mrs., Father etc. This will be enforced in school and should be reinforced in the home.

3. Pupils should exit the school via the main front gate.

4. Pupils are encouraged to speak politely at all times. Foul language or aggressive tone of voice is never allowed and must never be used.

5. Involvement in sport and pastimes is actively encouraged in school and a plentiful supply of footballs, basketballs, skipping ropes, draughts, chess, games etc. is available in the school. Please encourage involvement in leisure time activities at home as a healthy active child is less likely to be disruptive. Games which are violent and involve kicking, punching, bullying or verbal abuse are strictly forbidden.

6. No child may leave the play area during breaks without permission from the teacher in charge. Children may not leave school, at any time, without the written permission of the parents to the class teacher/Principal, and must, subsequently, be collected at the classroom door.

7. Chewing gum, crisps, lollipops or peanuts are not allowed. Lunch leftovers must be taken home. This is to help general hygiene in the school and, ultimately, your child. This is also a part of the Healthy School Lunch Policy to help you monitor lunches. Glass bottles are not allowed because of the obvious danger they pose.

8. School uniforms must be worn at all times.

9. Cycling in or around school grounds at any time is strictly forbidden. Skateboards and scooters are not allowed in school at any time during or after school.

10. All school property and furniture must be treated with respect.

11. Parents will be asked to pay for any wilful damage caused by their children.

12. In the interests of safety children are allocated play areas which vary in wet or fine weather. Children are made aware of their area and must play in these areas at break times.

13. Smoking on the school grounds is prohibited by law.

14. Children are not allowed to walk on the perimeter wall or climb trees in the school grounds. Parents are asked not to allow smaller children accompanying them to the school to do so.

15. Trading card games are not permitted in school. (e.g. Football cards)

17. Mobile phones are not allowed during school hours.
Mobile Phones

It is recognised that mobile phones can be intrusive and distracting in all situations and particularly in schools. In addition to the inconvenience, the debate still goes on about the possible harmful effects of the frequent use of mobile phones. Children could be particularly vulnerable in this issue. The Board of Management of Screen N.S. forbids the pupils to use mobile phones during the school day.

Class Rules

Each individual teacher has his/her own class rules which will be communicated to pupils early in the year.
School Uniforms & Dress Code

1. The school uniform consists of a green t-shirt and school tracksuit. The uniform is available to buy from the Uniform Committee only and contact details are available through the school office or through the Parents’ Council.

2. Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times.

3. Extreme hairstyles or cuts are not permitted e.g. bleached,
tinted or shaven heads.

4. Long hair must be tied back in school at all times.

In every school today it is accepted that there is a need for sanctions to register disapproval of unacceptable behaviour.

The sanctions which are operational in the school are reasonable. The following strategies may be used to show disapproval of unacceptable behaviour:
1) Reasoning with the pupil.

2) Reprimand (including advice on how to improve).

3) Loss of privileges for the offending child, such as school tour. Parental co-operation can be of great value here, i.e. to ban television for a period, to withdraw some privilege at home (e.g. pocket money) as this reinforces the home-school link.

4) Detention during a break under supervision of class teacher.

5) Prescribing additional homework.

6) Referral to Principal.

7) Communication with parents.

Where there are repeated instances of serious misbehaviour, the Chairperson of the Board of Management will be informed and the parents will be requested in writing to attend at the school to meet the Chairperson and the Principal.

If the parents do not give an undertaking that the pupil will behave in an acceptable manner in the future, the pupil may have to be suspended for a temporary period. Suspension will be in accordance with the terms of Rule 130(5) of the Rules for National Schools. The Chairperson or Principal is authorised by the School Board of Management to exclude a pupil or pupils from the school for a maximum initial period of 3 days, for being continuously disruptive or for a serious breach of discipline. Expulsion may be considered in an extreme case in accordance with Rule 130(6).

Positive Approach

Every effort is made by all members of staff to adopt a positive approach to the question of behaviour in the school. Screen N.S. places greater emphasis on encouraging positive behaviour than on sanctions in the belief that this will, in the long run, give the best results. We teach the children pride in themselves, their school and their community.

Children are encouraged in each class and through the whole school to be positive and well behaved towards each other.

Each year lessons on the topic of bullying are explored in the school. Here children’s attitudes towards each other are challenged. The “Stay Safe” and “Walk Tall” Programmes are taught in each class. Good behaviour, good attendance and achievements are acknowledged in the school. In the “Alive O” Religion programme, and new “Grow in Love” Religion programme, there is great emphasis on respect and love for one another. In each class lessons are taught to promote positive behaviour. This is also stressed at school assemblies which are held throughout the year.

We encourage all parents to co-operate with the school staff and management by encouraging their children to abide by the school rules, and by visiting the school when requested by the Principal or other members of the staff.

You, the parents, play a crucial role in shaping the attitudes which produce good behaviour in our school and in the community. Please take full advantage of all formal and informal channels of communication made available by the staff. If you wish to discuss some issue with a teacher please ring the school secretary, Anne, at 053 9137142 or e-mail to make an appointment.

When children are registered in Screen N.S. it is agreed that each parent accepts and supports the school’s Code of Behaviour. Parents show their agreement through signing a declaration on the Enrolment Form.

Home/School Links

Screen N.S. welcomes all parents to contact the school, but interruptions must be kept to a minimum. All meetings with the Principal or Class Teacher must be by appointment. Phone: 0539137142 or e-mail:
Please follow our school affairs on our website at www.

Messages/Phone Calls

Telephone calls about children’s absences, dental appointments etc. cause disruption. All of these messages can be given to Anne in the office; there is no need to ask a teacher to leave his/her class for such messages.

Parent/Principal Meetings

Informal Meetings
The Principal is in regular contact with parents throughout the day by phone or by meeting them informally at the school gate, on the corridors or in the school yard.

Formal Meetings
Meetings may be arranged by appointment in the Principal’s office at the request of parent(s)/guardians or Principal.

Group Meetings
First Holy Communion and Confirmation meetings take place in the school prior to these sacraments.

Meetings are held in May each year with parents of incoming pupils. At these meetings parents will be given information on school routines, as well as useful advice on starting school. A copy of Screen National School’s Information Booklet is issued along with a booklet for Parents of Infants Starting School. The incoming Junior Infants will be invited to complete a Headstart Programme to help with the transition to primary school.

Parent/Class Teacher Meetings

The child’s education and welfare are best served where there is regular contact between parent and teacher on matters relating to the child’s progress and well-being. Parent/teacher meetings, therefore, form an integral part of our school’s programme. In Screen N.S. parent/teacher meetings take one or more of the following forms:

 Parents may meet with the teacher on a one to one basis, by appointment, to discuss the child’s progress or other matters of concern to parent or teacher. Such meetings may be initiated by either the parents or the class teacher.
 Parents of infant children are in regular contact with the class teachers when delivering or collecting their children, and any small problems that tend to arise are sorted out on a personal level between parent and teacher. If a problem needs further attention, an appointment may be made to discuss the matter more fully with the parent(s), class teacher and principal.
 Teachers like to meet with parents on an individual basis to discuss each child and thereby come to a fuller understanding of their needs, to advise parents on matters of class rules, homework, curriculum etc. These meetings are held during the month of November. This is a great opportunity for teachers and parents to get to know each other, to get to know school and class policies and to encourage good attitudes to homework and good behaviour.

Parents’ Council

Screen National School’s Parents’ Council further supports home/school links. This parent group is very active in our school community, and all parents are encouraged to get involved. The Parents’ Council can be contacted directly through their email: or by contacting the current committee (details available through the school’s office).

The school recognises the variety of differences that exist between children and the need to accommodate these differences. All efforts will be made to match the curriculum to the abilities, aptitudes and interests of each pupil. This is to ensure that all children progress at a level appropriate for them and reach their own potential.

Regular consultation occurs between the Special Educational Needs Team and class teachers to identify children at risk with a view to providing educational support. When children are seen to be encountering learning difficulties parents are requested to come to the school for a progress report with the class teacher and S.E.N. Team.

We operate an independent objective assessment programme in Screen N.S. and the results are communicated to parents on the end of year report, and when they are invited individually to discuss the results and their child’s general progress at school.

All children in 1st to 6th classes are monitored annually on objective English and Maths tests each April/May to check if any corrective action or intervention is needed.

Senior Infants are given a Middle Infant Screening test (M.I.S.T) to monitor progress at Infant level. First and Third classes complete the New Non-Reading Intelligence Tests.

No child will be placed in a Learning Support teacher’s class without prior consultation with, and the consent of parent(s)/guardian(s). Consultation also takes place to review progress, and when children have made sufficient progress they no longer go to Learning Support.
Annual Reports

Individual Reports on pupils are issued at the end of each academic year. A copy of this is also kept in school. Please retain your copy of these as they are often requested when your son/daughter is entering second level school.
General School Communications with Parents

Information on school and community events, vacations etc. is communicated to parents regularly by newsletter. When such communication takes place the eldest child in each family receives the letter in order to avoid duplication. School notice boards and display areas are also used to communicate with parents.


We operate a “Textaparent” system in the school to communicate with parents by text message. Please ensure we have an up to date mobile number so that we can relay messages to you promptly.
Class Teachers’ Communications with Parents

Class teachers communicate with parents by phone, or letter when necessary, informing them of relevant matters. Please do not contact teachers outside school hours about your child’s progress or school matters. Contact is through the school at 0539137142 or e-mail


Homework is a regular and valuable Home/School link and
Parents are asked to –

 Encourage a positive attitude towards homework from an early age.
 Praise rather than criticise.
 Encourage the child to undertake his/her homework independently. This will help to build confidence and self-discipline.
 Foster a positive attitude to all subjects.
 Encourage the child to organise him/herself for homework, e.g. to have all the required materials to hand (books, pens, etc.). The pupil should have the Homework Journal open to tick off work as it is completed.
 Agree with the child a suitable time for doing homework, taking into account his/her age, the need for playtime, relaxation and family time.
 Help the child to do his/her homework by providing a quiet place,
suitable work surface free from distractions, interruptions, T.V.
and other children where possible.
 Parents/Guardians are advised not to over-help by doing the work
for the child, i.e. giving him/her the sentence, the answer, etc.
However, some children will require assistance and a one to one
situation with the parent/guardian can be beneficial. If in doubt as
to the level of assistance required please consult with the class
teacher concerned.
 Presentation – where neatness and presentation are concerned,
encourage the child to do his/her best writing, etc. (within a reasonable time limit).
 In some instances parents/guardians may be asked to sign the
homework notebook having checked that all assigned work has
been completed.
 Please check that the pupil has prepared for the next school day and has all the school requisites that he/she will require – e.g., books, copies, pens, mathematical equipment, dictionary, P.E. clothes if necessary etc.
 If a child has difficulty with any aspect of his/her homework this should be communicated to the teacher by writing a note in the homework journal explaining the difficulty or arranging to meet the class teacher with a view to resolving the issue.

Types of Homework

There is generally a mixture of oral work (study/memorisation) and written work. This balance may vary depending on class work.
Memorisation i.e. learning by heart forms a very important part of homework and should always be checked as it is often neglected by children.

In relation to spelling, each teacher will advise on the method he/she recommends for your child at their particular class level.

In infant classes, homework is sometimes given but is not recorded by pupils. Parents/guardians at infant level tend to have more contact with the teacher and are generally aware of what the child has to do.
Homework usually consists of word recognition, reading or perhaps a worksheet. It may also involve informal work such as collecting items for the nature table.

Homework is generally assigned to all classes from 1st to 6th and is written in a homework copy or journal. Homework tends to cover all subject areas with the core subjects, Irish, English and Maths being allocated some time.

Time spent on Homework

It is difficult to specify how long children at various levels should spend on homework as the time spent depends on:-

• The age of the pupil.
• The child’s ability to listen in class and learn.
• The child’s level of concentration.
• The suitability or otherwise of the learning environment – distractions, interruptions etc.
• The time of evening when homework is undertaken.

The suggested time for homework is as follows:

Junior Infants Up to 10 minutes
Senior Infants Up to 20 minutes
1st Class Up to 30 minutes
2nd Class Up to 30 minutes
3rd Class Up to 40 minutes
4th Class Up to 40 minutes
5th Class Up to 50 minutes
6th Class Up to 50 minutes

At the beginning of the school year each individual teacher will outline the approach he/she recommends to be taken at the particular level they are teaching. The teacher will advise parents as to the length of time he/she would expect the work to take. Please talk to your child’s teacher at the November Parent/Teacher meetings about this issue.

Periodically, some teachers may ask parents/guardians to monitor and note the time taken by pupils to complete assigned homework.

Some Difficulties That May Arise

If a child is doing his/her homework under the proper conditions, as outlined above, and is taking too long to complete it, the parent/guardian should write a note in the child’s journal explaining the difficulty or arrange to meet the class teacher with a view to resolving the issue.

If problems exist or arise at home which may prevent or interfere with a child’s homework, the teacher should be notified.

Health and Safety

Children First

In recent years, as a society, we have become very aware of the problem of child abuse through neglect, emotional, physical or sexual abuse.

Each one of us has a duty to protect children and Children First, the National Guidelines for the protection and welfare of Children noted that teachers, who are the main care givers to children outside the family, are particularly well placed to observe and monitor children for signs of abuse.

In response to this, the Department of Education and science published Guidelines and Procedures for all schools in relation to protection and welfare. These guidelines promote the safety and welfare of all children and are to be welcomed.

The Board of Management of Screen N.S. has adopted these guidelines as school policy. Consequently, if school staff suspect or are alerted to possible child abuse they are obliged to refer this matter to the Health Service Executive (HSE). The HSE will then assess the situation and provide support for the child concerned.

Children First, the National Guidelines for the Protection of Children may be accessed on the website of the Department of Health and Children ( and the Department of Education and Science Child protection Guidelines can be read on the Department’s website (


In the event of a child becoming ill at school or suffering a fall or injury, parents/guardians will be contacted by phone. It is very important that we have a contact number of somebody who will be able to collect the child if the parent/guardian is not available. If you give such a contact name and number please inform the person that you are doing so.

Each pupil’s parent or guardian must give details of health problems on the child’s enrolment form. The name of the family doctor and dentist must be supplied and permission given to the school to bring the pupil for treatment to their own doctor/dentist. In the event of their doctor/dentist not being on duty, permission is requested to bring the child to the on duty doctor/dentist if the parent/guardian or nominee is not contactable.

Please inform the school of any changes you wish to make to your enrolment form during the school year by contacting Anne in the office at 0539137142 or e-mail It is vitally important in the event of sickness or accident to have a fully updated and correct enrolment form with contact numbers.


As a general rule teachers will not be involved in the administration of medication to pupils. In exceptional circumstances where a teacher agrees to become involved in the administration of medication, the parent in question will write to the Board of Management requesting the Board to authorise a teacher to administer the medication. If the Board, having considered the matter, authorises a teacher to administer medication, they will then seek an indemnity from the parents in respect of any liability that may arise regarding the administration of the medication.

Parents are welcome to come to the school and administer medication themselves.

Infectious Illnesses

The school must be notified immediately of any infectious illness. Department of Health circulars will be issued when a particular infectious illness is reported (Appendix 1).
The Stay Safe Programme/Walk Tall Programme

The “Stay Safe Programme” is taught in the school with the approval of the Board of Management. This involves hand-outs, discussions and videos dealing with bullying and other problems children encounter as they grow up. The “Walk Tall” Programme deals with drug abuse and other issues. The full programme is available in the school.

The S.P.H.E. (Social, Personal, Health Education) Programme

Motivated and supported by our Catholic Ethos, Screen N.S. strives to serve the children of the community in their education. Child-centred in its approach, the school wishes to promote and deepen the core values of honesty, respect, welcome, co-operation and tolerance of differences. Central to achieving this is the valuing of each one’s uniqueness within the group context. In the S.P.H.E. programme we teach the children how to take care of their bodies by the adoption of a healthy lifestyle.

Along with the S.P.H.E. programme, we complete the R.S.E. progamme. This deals specifically with relationships and sexuality education.

Our School’s Healthy Eating Policy encourages a balanced diet and taking exercise. We also encourage children to avoid smoking, alcohol, illegal drugs, to have a no tolerance policy to bullying, to respect each other and to be discerning of all advertising in the media.


We encourage children to bring good healthy lunches to school. We do not allow crisps or chewing gum, lollipops or nuts in any class in the school. There are two breaks for food, little lunch at 10.55 a.m. and big lunch at 12.30p.m. Children are given sufficient time to eat their lunch. If your child has a particular eating disorder or allergies please let us know. The Departments of Education and Health run a very active healthy eating campaign. We encourage healthy lunches, trying to avoid junk food.

If your child forgets a lunch, please come to Anne’s office and leave the lunch. It will then be brought to the classroom for your child.
Children are not allowed to bring their drinks in GLASS BOTTLES – this is strictly a safety rule. All lunch leftovers must be brought home.

Screen National School’s Healthy Eating Policy

1. To improve the nutritional quality of lunches.
2. To familiarise children with the food pyramid and with the value of exercise.

 We will do this by educating the children to make healthy food choices. All classes will receive at least two lessons on healthy eating each term. A link will be made with the home when lessons are completed.
 Every day is a healthy lunch day. A healthy lunchbox includes a piece of food from each of the first four shelves of the Food Pyramid.
 Friday is our treat day. On this day one piece of food from the top shelf of the pyramid may be included.
 Juice cartons, cans and glass bottles are not allowed for safety and litter reasons. Children are asked to use a plastic bottle for their drink. Water, milk, soup and unsweetened juice are healthy choices.
 Foods that have wrappers are to be kept to a minimum. All leftover food and wrappers will be brought home to help protect our school environment.
 Healthy eating will be encouraged at all times. Support of parents will be most beneficial and greatly appreciated.
 The opportunity to attend a healthy eating information evening will be offered to all parents. This is particularly stressed when children enrol for the first time.

Foods not allowed are: Crisps, peanuts, chewing gum,. Lollipops, cans, fizzy drinks, drink cartons, sweets/chocolate bars (Friday only!).

Make the right choice, the healthy choice: join our healthy school team!!!


Every effort is made to keep the school neat and tidy and to keep the toilets and wash hand basins sterilised and clean every day. Disposable paper towel is used throughout the school.

Hair Care

When hair lice appear we inform parents of all children in the class where it is reported by means of the Department of Health Circulars. Please check your child’s hair regularly and inform the school if there is a problem. If you see a letter in your child’s bag regarding hair lice it means that there has been an incidence of it in your child’s class.

We urge all parents to take this matter seriously and treat the whole household accordingly. Only the proper products will work when dealing with an outbreak of headlice.


Please check books and schoolbags and ensure they are kept neat, clean and tidy at all times. Also check that your child’s bag has the minimum amount of books necessary to keep the weight of the bag as light as possible. Please check for notes, newsletters etc. on a regular basis.

Name Tags

In order to avoid unnecessary distress to the pupil all personal possessions MUST be labelled with the child’s name – i.e. coats, shirts, jumpers, ties, lunch boxes, bicycles, pencils, pens, rulers, rubbers, colouring pencils, school books, copies etc. The school cannot accept responsibility for lost items. Please do this at the beginning of the school year, or when you replace an item. Lost items will be displayed in the foyer on a monthly basis and then donated to charity.
Sport & Leisure

We encourage active participation for all pupils on a non-competitive basis. A central element in School Policy is the promotion of the ‘Sport for All’ philosophy:
“There is more to sport than medals, competitions and championships, and we must continue to foster and promote its social and recreational aspects. In particular, as far as children are concerned, the emphasis should be on active participation by all, rather than competitive performance by a few. Above all the participants should enjoy their experience”; (“Sport for All”, Department of Education & Science).

Each class has one hour per week of physical education. We endeavour to allow children to experience sports and leisure activity as an enjoyable and healthy part of life. To quote the Department of Education & Science ‘Curriculum for Physical Education in Primary Schools 2001’:
“Physical education is built on the principles of variety and diversity, not of specialisation”.

The school has a well stocked sports’ press, and all teachers avail of this for a variety of P.E. activities in the hall, or externally on the basketball court and grassed areas. We have an array of board and leisure games in the school for use by children on wet days.

The school has fostered links with local sporting organisations with a view to encouraging children to get involved in sporting activities in their communities. We facilitate external coaching in Gaelic Games and tag rugby. We provide swimming lessons and dance classes, and display information on local clubs, summer camps etc.


It is important that children using a bicycle be familiar with the Rules of the Road and obey them. The wearing of a helmet may be an important factor in preventing serious injury or even death should your child be unfortunate enough to be involved in an accident. The following rules apply to children bringing bicycles to school –

1) A helmet must be worn. Each child must bring his/her helmet to the classroom and be responsible for it.

2) All children cycling to school must dismount at the school gate and walk with the bicycle into the school grounds.
3) When walking their bicycles to the main gate children should keep to the right of the path so as not to obstruct others.

If any child fails to obey the above rules a letter will be sent home to the child’s parents/guardians telling the pupil to leave his/her bicycle at home.

Persistent disregard for the rules may result in the child being forbidden to cycle to school.
Green School

Screen N.S. is a Green School, fostering environmental awareness in the entire school with links across many curricular areas. We are a “Litter Free” zone. We take steps to save energy and water. We encourage recycling. We plant flowers, shrubs and trees.

We have been awarded 3 Green Flags for our efforts and are currently working on achieving our 4th which will be on the theme of transport. We are looking forward to this new challenge.

Currently there are seven children on our Green School Committee and they work under the guidance of Ms. Mary Tynan our Deputy Principal.
We are currently focussed on travel and energy management in school, and have several awareness projects underway.


All litter must be placed in the bins provided. We operate a litter patrol system in the school. When children are on litter patrol they are provided with a mechanical “litter picker”.

General Information


Under the Education Welfare Act 2000, we are now legally bound to report absences over 20 days to the Education Welfare Office on a standard form stating child’s name, address, date of birth, P.P.S. number, Parents/Guardians’ names. If your child is absent for more than 20 days you now risk prosecution and being fined.

To answer a few questions –

Q. We usually go on holidays in June or September; will this be counted as absences?
A. Yes, all days missed will be counted.

Q. Do we need to send in notes for absences?
A. Yes, you do and these will be retained by the class teacher for presentation to the Education Welfare Officer. Each note must contain the date of the absence and the reason for the absence.
It is the policy of Screen N.S. to insist on written notes. Phone calls will not suffice.

Notes are also required:

1) If the child has to leave the school during school hours.
2) If someone other than the parent or guardian is collecting a child from school.

We have to insist on the above rules. Please encourage your child to come to school every day.

Children must not leave the school grounds during the school day for any reason unless written request is received from a parent.

Children leaving school early for any reason must be collected at the classroom door. No child will be allowed to go to the car park or the school gate to meet a parent.
School Books

Screen N.S. operates a book rental scheme. Parents are invited to join this scheme annually in June. A fee applies and children are expected to maintain their books in a good condition. The book rental fee includes all textbooks, art and craft levy, standardised tests, homework diary and photocopying costs. Workbooks and stationery remain outside the book rental scheme, and parents are responsible for buying the necessary materials in time for the new school year.

The book rental fee for Junior Infants to First Class is €30.
The book rental fee for Second Class to Sixth Class is €40.

If you remain outside the Book Rental Scheme, you must have all the necessary books. The photocopying levy will also be required. Book lists are available in June of each year. Please put your child’s name and class clearly on each book. Children must have their full complement of books, stationery and copies when they return to school in September.

Charity & Social Events

There are many requests to sell tickets and promote various charities and events through the children. It would be impossible to help them all. We encourage children through various projects to create awareness of need in their area and in the world. We support one or two other worthy causes per year. This is Board of Management policy and will be strictly adhered to.

The Parents’ Council will also have a couple of fundraising events in aid of the school during the year. You will be kept informed of upcoming events and a report will be issued afterwards to you detailing the amount raised and how the money was spent.

School Tours

We operate school tours at the discretion of individual teachers. Every effort is made to give a variety of tours to children as they progress through school. The school feels tours are a good educational and social occasion for children and teachers and encourage children to participate. We keep costs to an absolute minimum and sufficient notice of a minimum of 3 weeks is given for children to save up for their tour. Each child is given a copy of details of the school tour which contains departure time, cost and consent form authorising medical attention in the event of an accident. No child will be allowed go on tour without the consent form. This form is given out three weeks before each tour.
Information Technology

We have 8 interactive whiteboards, 16 laptops and 10 tablet devices in our school (as of 2015). The technology enables us to provide a new dimension in teaching and learning. It is important that we provide both pupils and teachers with opportunities to be familiar with computers etc. so that they can enhance the learning process. We would like to enable children to communicate with other children world-wide and exchange information and experiences through the use of the Internet.

Screen National School’s Web-Site and Blog:
We have an Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP) in school which has been drawn up by Staff, Board of Management and Parents’ Council. This policy is available on request through the office, and must be signed by parents on enrolling in the school.

If you are involved in a business, or have contacts in the business world, please talk to us about sponsorship.

As a school we get lots of requests for children to participate in art, essay and poetry competitions every week of the year. Obviously, we cannot support them all. Entry in these competitions is at the discretion of the individual class teachers.
Summer Camps

The Board of Management distributes all literature on summer camps as a service to parents. It is entirely up to each parent to decide if they want to partake or not in any particular camp. They do not give any preferential treatment to any one group above another.


Teachers are assigned to classes in accordance with Department of Education and Science Guidelines for the school year commencing in September, and the school reserves the right to alter class groupings as children progress through the school.

Parents are notified accordingly when they are given the book list. Teachers returning from Sick/Maternity/Parental leave return to the class assigned to them at the beginning of the year.

Nationally Agreed Complaints Procedure

I. A parent or guardian who wishes to make a complaint should approach the class teacher with a view to resolving the complaint.
II. Where the parent/guardian is unable to resolve the complaint with the class teacher she/he should approach the Principal Teacher with a view to resolving it.
III. If the complaint is still unresolved the parent/guardian should raise the matter with the Chairperson of the Board of Management with a view to resolving it.

Board of Management

The Board of Management is responsible for the direct government of the school in accordance with
* The Rules for National Schools.
* The Constitution of Boards and Rules of Procedure.
* Circulars issued from time to time by the Minister.
The Board Membership is made up as follows –
* 2 nominees of the Patron
* 2 elected Parents (one being a mother, one being a father).
* The Principal.
* One elected member of the teaching staff
* 2 extra members proposed by the Nominees above.

The Board of Management of Screen National School operates an equal opportunity policy.

The names and officers of the current Board of Management can be accessed through the school office.
Parents’ Council

Screen N.S. has an active Parents’ Council with the following aims:-

 To represent the views of parents.
 To inform parents of developments in education and in the school.
 To foster co-operation between parents, teachers and school management.
 To help with the provision of extra equipment and teaching aids for the school.

The Council entertains the parents of new infants during the Headstart Programme, and on the day of their enrolment in September, with tea/coffee and light refreshments. It also organises the family receptions in the school hall after both the First Communion and Confirmation ceremonies.

The Council is always open to all educational, social and fund raising ideas and parents are invited to submit such ideas for discussion as the Council must adhere to a programme of events as agreed between themselves, the school and the Board of Management. This rule avoids any overlapping between the parties and the Council must strictly enforce it.

All communication with the Parents’ Council can be processed through the Secretary, c/o Screen N.S. or directly via their email

The Council also accepts donations for their school fund. All contributions are receipted through the school.

The Council will be issuing newsletters throughout the year keeping parents up to date regarding educational, social and fund-raising developments. They will produce their formal programme of events for the year in September. The Council will present their annual financial report at their A.G.M. which is held in the autumn.

The names of members and officers of the current Parents’ Council can be accessed through the school office.


Occasionally photographs will be taken in school by Press Photographers: first day at school, prize givings, etc. Teachers may also take photographs of children for the school website. If you have any concerns about this matter please contact the school.

Parents who take photos during school time (i.e. first day of school) are requested to refrain from placing photos of other children or adults in the school on any social media forums.

Please keep this Booklet in a safe place.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the school at 053 9137142 or email

For all updated information, photos, history etc. visit our Web-site

We hope your time with us will be beneficial, both educationally and socially. You are very welcome to Screen National School.

Tá fáilte romhaibh go leir chuig Scoil Náisiúnta na Scríne
Appendix 1

If your child develops any of the following illnesses you must contact the school immediately at 053 9137142

• Bacterial Meningitis
• Chicken Pox
• Head Lice/ Nits
• Measles
• Ringworm
• Rubella
• Scabies
• Scarlet Fever
• Strep Throat (Streptonsillitis)
• Threadworms
• Viral Meningitis
• Whooping Cough (Pertussis)

Our Mission Statement 1
History 2
Aims 2
Creating a Positive Learning Environment 3
Code of Discipline and Behaviour 3
Mobile Phones 6
Class Rules 6
School Uniform and Dress Code 6
Sanctions 7
Operation of Discipline Code 7
Home/School Links 9
Messages and Phone Calls 9
Parent/Principal Meetings 9
Parent/Teacher Meetings 10
Assessment 11
Newcomer Students 12
Annual Reports 12
Communications with Parents 12
Homework Policy 13
Health and Safety 16
Children First 16
Illnesses and Accidents 17
Medication 17
Infectious Diseases 18
Hygiene 18
Hair Care 18
Books/Bags 18
Name Tags 18
Stay Safe/Walk Tall Programmes 19
SPHE Programme 19
Lunches 19
Food Pyramid 20
Healthy Eating Policy 21
Sport and Leisure 22
Bicycles 22
Green School 23
Dogs 23
Litter 24
Parking 24
General Information 25
Absences 25
School Books 26
Book Grant 26
Annual Raffle 27
School Supplies Levy 27
Charity and Social Events 27
School Tours 27
Information Technology 28
Competitions 28
Cards & Invitations 29
Summer Camps 29
Teachers/Classes 29
Nationally Agreed Complaints Procedure 29
Board of Management 30
Parents’ Council 30
Photographs 31
Appendix 1 32
Appendix 2