All children are unique and special, and treated as individuals in our school. Every effort is made to integrate children with specific needs into our school. We are fully wheelchair accessible. The staff team in Screen is dedicated to making education readily accessible to all and there are dedicated and experienced teachers working in the Special Needs Department (learning support and resource).
Screen N.S. is a school community willing to learn so as to help others: children and teachers have studied LAMH (a manual sign system used by children and adults with intellectual disability and communication needs) so as to communicate with people who need it.
We collaborate and work fully with outside agencies (HSE, NEPS, psychologists, speech and language therapists, visiting teacher for the deaf, occupational therapists etc.).
Anything we can do to make life easier for children with needs we do our best to implement: tennis balls on chairs (560 donations gathered by staff) to lesson sound to help those hard of hearing. The end result is that all children are actually benefitting and harsh sounds have been reduced in the classrooms.